モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! トレンドの固め「プリンアラモード」が絶品!クリエイターが集うカフェ〈Are〉へ。/Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.39
“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more TOKYO that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.

オリンピックに向けて再開発がどんどん進む渋谷エリア。今日は、渋谷と原宿をつなぐキャットストリートの入り口にできた複合施設〈SHIBUYA CAST〉へやってきたよ。
With the Olympic Games drawing closer, Shibuya is undergoing drastic changes. Today, I arrive at SHIBUYA CAST, a shopping building on Cat Street, which is in between Shibuya and Harajuku.

ここは〈SHIBUYA CAST〉1階、美竹公園の向かいにあるカフェ〈Are〉。天井まである大きな窓ガラスのおかげで、日光と公園の緑を目一杯感じられる店内。居心地の良さうけあいです。
The cafe is on the first floor of SHIBUYA CAST, across from Mitake Park. Thanks to the floor to ceiling windows, you can get plenty of sunlight and enjoy the greenery. You are guaranteed to feel comfortable!

By the way, do you know how to read this?"Are"?"Ah rey"?Actually, it's "Oh rey".

"Are" is the name of a Swedish ski resort. The concept was to make a place for creative minds to chill out. With the shared office "co-lab" next door, the cafe hosts art exhibitions and workshops

The purpose for coming here today is to have the pudding à la mode. It's cute, isn't it? For ¥850, you can get a heaping pile of seasonal fruits. It's a good deal.

Bon appetit! Their homemade pudding is made in an old-fashioned way, so it's firmer. The eggy flavor gives it a satisfying taste!

I also recommend their sister stores like mimet, yoyonam, and aruru. They have many more popular shop in Shibuya ward. Check them out!
(photo: Haru Wagnus)
■渋谷区渋谷1-23-21 SHIBUYA CAST 1F
■9:00~20:00 無休
■1-23-21 Shibuya Shibuya-ku Tokyo
■OPEN:Every Day
☆vol.38〈アメリカン〉:Click here!
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