カフェを求めて、東京から世界まで。 月初めに必ず食べたい!表参道〈EMPORIO ARMANI CAFFE〉の月替りパフェ
Known for being a model and a lover of cafes, Alice Saito introduces you to cafes from not only tokyo, but also all over japan and around the world!

この数年でレベルがどんどん上がっている東京のパフェ。そのなかでも毎月必ず食べに行っているのが、表参道駅前にある「エンポリオ アルマーニ 表参道」の隣にあるカフェです。
The level of parfait in Tokyo has been rising rapidly over the past few years. I always go to eat at the cafe is located next to Emporio Armani Omotesando in front of Omotesando Station every month.

You can enjoy parfaits that change monthly according to seasonal fruits and events. This was the first time I ate it. Strawberry, yogurt, and lemon parfait that was offered in April. The chocolate looks like a red ribbon and the round ice cream is cute.

こちらは6月、アプリコットとピーチのパフェ。毎朝その日に使う分を仕込んでいるというアプリコットのソルベは、本物の果実を食べているみたいにフレッシュ! グラスの中にはパチパチと弾ける飴をコーティングしたチョコレートが忍ばせてあって、味はもちろん食感まで楽しいんです。
This is the apricot and peach parfait that was served in June. The apricot sorbet, which they prepare every morning for the day's use, is as fresh as if you were eating real fruit. In the glass, there is chocolate coated with candy that crackles and pops, making the taste and texture delightful.

And the parfait for July is American cherry. The top is decorated with candied pistachios, fresh American cherries, and crispy pie, which looks like a pretty cherry pie.

It contains sour cream gelato, American cherry compote, and pistachio semifreddo (iced cake). You can taste each part individually, or eat them together to enjoy the marriage.

From July to the end of September, tropical fruit shaved ice will also be available. Actually, I'm a big fan of shaved ice! I love it so much that I once produced a shaved ice dish. However, the shaved ice at this café is more than just shaved ice.

中にはココナッツパンナコッタとグアバのゼリー、フレッシュマンゴーとパイナップル、ザクザク食感のココナッツとライムのクランブルなどなど。白い氷を食べ進めると、いろんな具材が次々に出てきて、まるでパフェみたい! かき氷をあまり食べないという人にもおすすめしたい、大満足のスイーツです。
It contains coconut panna cotta, guava jelly, fresh mango and pineapple, and coconut and lime crumble. Under the white ice, all kinds of ingredients come out one after another, just like a parfait. This is a very satisfying sweet treat that I would recommend even to people who don't eat shaved ice very often.
〈EMPORIO ARMANI CAFFE Omotesando(エンポリオ アルマーニ カフェ 表参道)〉
■東京都港区北青山3-6-1 オーク表参道1F
■11:00~20:00 不定休
■3-6-1 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo. CLOSE: Irregular