モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.3〈PORTMANS CAFE〉at Kiyosumi-Shirakawa
“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more ‘TOKYO’ that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries. This time I went to ‘Kiyosumi-Shirakawa’ where an old part of town attracts attention as one of the most trendsetting areas of a new culture.

古い標識、タイプライター、ボストンバック… 。お店の至るところにイギリスの日常を連想させる小物が並んでいて、気がついたら隅々まで探索していた私。
Old traffic signs, a typewriter, a travel bag…, These are some of the items around the shop which are associated with the daily life of English people. I take my time to look all over the room.

I feel nostalgic about my school days in England. There are many shops full of curious things like this in East London.

The owner is Mr. Yoshichika Mizukami who is a graphic designer also. I found some art made by him. This kind of parody work has a distinct British feel.

They carry British knick-knacks like military-style embroidered badges. Next to those items, there are town guidebooks designed by Mr. Mizukami. I often find his books in many places around town.

The hashed rice omelet is their signature dish. Did you know hashed rice originated in the UK? A fried egg and butter rice is topped with their original hashed sauce.

I recommend their scone as well. It is made from homegrown wheat and butter. The outside is crispy but the inside is soft and airy. Today's flavor is green tea and withe chocolate.

The staff spent half a year renovating the shop in the style of a British warehouse. Events like flower decoration are held every now and then. Please check their homepage.
〈PORTMANS CAFE(ポートマンズカフェ)〉
■江東区清澄2-9-14 1F ダイアパレス 清澄公園101
■Koto-ku Kiyosumi 2-9-14
■Closed: Sun, Mon, Public holidays
(photo:Haru Wagnus)