モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.5〈KiMiDoRi〉at Sangenjyaya
“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more ‘TOKYO’ that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.

天井から珍しい植物がたくさん吊るされていて、まるでジャングルにいる気分! ここは川崎市の植物園「SOLSO FARM」がデザインしたカフェ。
Various plants hanging down from the ceiling makes you will feel as you were in a jungle! This cafe was designed by "SOLSO FARM", a botanical garden in Kawasaki city.

The terrace tefurbished from a garage is bright and open. The roof enables you to enjoy your time in all weather.

内装は南国のリゾート風。天井たかーい! 居心地がよくて、ついつい長居しちゃいそう。
The cafe is filled with a tropical and open ambience. Look how high the ceiling is! The cozy feeling makes you stay forever.

Tom Yum Four (Thai soup noodle) is the must-have here. The soup made from shrimp miso paste and Thai pepper is packed with vegetables. The spicy smell of herbs surely increases your appetite.

The large collection of alcohol such as craft beers from around the world cannot be missed. Why not drop by for a drink later in the evening? They are open until 11 p.m.

There is a private room on the second floor. You can use the room for small parties.

Attention also to their luncheon mat with the Afro-hair man. It’s Mr Saito, the manage of KiMiDoRi. Can you spot the difference?
(photo: Haru Wagnus)
■【休】月、第2,4火 03-6453-1818
■Setagaya-ku Sangenjyaya 1-35-20 1F
■Close: MON, second and fourth TUE