モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.17〈Yamashita〉at Sado-Island
I went on a trip for two nights and three days. It took about 4 hours by train and ship from Tokyo Station to go to Sado Island.
“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more ‘TOKYO’ that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.

I went west of Niigata Prefecture to Sado Island. The seaside village called "Shukunegi" has been used as port since the Middle Ages.

I went to the cafe "Yamashita" because I heard they offer an experience unique to Sado Island.

This bright red table is actually an upside down old tub. Originally used for making miso, the tubs have been repurposed as boats to collect shellfish since long ago.

I ordered sweet red bean soup. It's very satisfying so I always get this when I travel.

Their specialty is pasta made with local ingredients. The most popular dish is spaghetti with fresh Sado Island shellfish.

ちょっと変わり種のパスタに挑戦したいという方は、「タラコとナガモのオイルスパゲッティ」を。佐渡特産の海藻ナガモは、しゃきしゃき、ねばねば! 独特の粘りをもっていて、食物繊維たっぷり。
If you want to try something different, I recommend the tarako and nagamo spaghetti. The tarako is cod roe and nagamo is their own unique seaweed ingredient. It's both crispy and gooey and full of fiber!

Because it is a round table, it is easy to start conversation and make new friends. Eating seafood on a tub that was used to collect the actual ingredients is what makes this a one-of-a-kind experience.
〈Yamashita(茶房 やました)〉
■10:00〜16:00 木休
■Niigata Sado Shukunegi 442
■Closed: Thu
「新潟のつかいかた 特集・意外と近い、にいがた女子旅」
☆vol.16〈Shimafumi〉at Sado-IslandClick here!