モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.10〈VOM FASS〉at Daikanyama

LEARN 2018.03.11


“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more ‘TOKYO’ that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.


シンデレラのガラスの靴に緑の液体? ここは液体食品の量り売り専門店。オリーブオイル、ビネガー、リキュールなどを、好きな形の瓶に詰めてくれます。

Cinderella's glass shoe filled with green liquid? They sell liquid foods by the milliliters. You can buy olive oil, vinegar, liquor and so on and then fill a container of your choice.


選べる瓶は100種類以上! 縦にいくつも積み上げられるキューブ型の瓶や、500ml入る大きなダイアモンド型も。可愛くてプレゼントにも喜ばれそう!

They have a selection of over 100 original glass bottles. One shape can be stacked on top of each other endlessly, another diamond shaped bottle has a large capacity of 500ml. It must make for a cute present!



They have more than 25 kinds of oils like argan oil and pistachio oil. They carry only high quality products and buy directly from the manufacturers, mainly from Germany. You can taste every product before you buy.


カラフルな液体は全てリキュール類。一番目を引く緑色は、ブラジルの蒸留酒 "ピンガ" がベースのライムリキュール。他にもさくらんぼのリキュールやナッツチョコレート風味のリキュールなど、珍しいお酒がいっぱい!

All of these colorful liquids are alcohol. The eye-catching green bottle is a lime liquor base from Brazil called 'Pinga'. They also have other rare liquors like cherry, chocolate nuts, and so on.



I ordered rosemary infused extra virgin olive oil in a teddy bear shaped bottle. I chose it not only for its cute shape but also its large size.


じゃじゃーん、完成!お願いをすれば、スタッフさんが瓶にメッセージを手書きしてくれます。私はもうすぐお誕生日だから「Happy Birthday」の文字を。

Ta-dah! All done! The staff can provide handwritten messages at your request. In my case, my birthday is just around the corner, so I asked for a happy birthday message.



Originally from Germany, they now have over 250 locations around the world. You can also order from their website.

(photo: Haru Wagnus)

〈VOM FASS(フォム ファス 代官山店) 〉

■渋谷区代官山町18-5 代官山SGビル103
■11:00〜19:00 不定休

■Shibuya-ku Daikanyama 18-5

☆vol.9〈MAIDURU〉at AsakusaClick here!


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