モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.14〈Nanayobi〉at Jiyu-gaoka
“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more TOKYO that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.

⾃由が丘駅から徒歩10 分、ヴィーガンマフィンの専⾨店へ。住宅地の奥にある⽊の看板が⽬印です。
I went to a vegan muffin shop 10 minutes from Jiyu-gaoka Station on foot. Tucked away in a residential area lies the shop's wooden signboard.

If you follow the stone path and open the sliding door, you will be greeted by a sweet aroma. The owner left this old home largely as is, so it feels like you're visiting a friend's place.

Just like the shop's name implies, there are seven flavors of muffins. The lineup for today includes black sesame, lemon, fruits & nuts, cacao banana, and cinnamon raisin.

It's vegan so they don't use animal products, for example meat, butter, eggs, milk, honey and so on. Instead of cow's milk, they use soy or coconut milk. Instead of white sugar, they use sugar from dates.

Domestic and organic ingredients are used as much as possible. Everything is made fresh by hand each morning and the shop is open until they sell out.

I ordered the cacao orange. They mix cacao mass into the dough and fill the muffin with organic orange jam. The moist texture and sweetness make it hard to believe that there is no butter or eggs used.

Whether or not you have a specific reason to choose vegan, everyone can enjoy these muffins.
■目黒区緑が丘1-13-4 パークハイツ緑が丘 1F
■12:00〜17:00 不定休
■Meguro-ku Midorigaoka 1-13-4 Park Heights Midorigaoka 1F
☆ vol.13〈Kitchen Country〉at Jiyu-gaokaClick here!