モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.6〈Cat’s Meow Books〉at Sangenjyaya
“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more ‘TOKYO’ that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.

" Hi, Kitty. May I have a book please?"
This is a book shop filled with books about cats that opened on the "International Cat Day”, August 8, 2017.

The owner Mr. Yasumura raised funds by crowdfunding with a passion to help stray cats. He has been picking them up and currently there are 4 stray cats working as shop mascots.

置いてある本は全て猫に関するものばかり。絵本やエッセイ、写真集、猫ヨガの本まで!? 普通の本屋さんではなかなか目にしない面白い本と出会えそう。
There are only books relating to cats: picture books, essays, photo books and even books on cat's yoga!? You may come across books which are hard to come by in a normal book shop.

You can free to read and buy all of the books. Let's order a beer or coffee, and settle down to read a book with cats right by you.

Cats stretch themselves and wash their face... their adorable gestures will make you feel relaxed as well. No doubt they would make you fall in love with their subtle charms.

Events about cats like felt doll-making are held every now and then. Mr. Yasumura continue to pour their efforts into helping more stray cats by donating a part of the sales of books.

The store is located in a quiet residential neighborhood. You can spot the shop by a blackboard with a picture of a cat in front of the entrance. Please do note that the shop is not a cat cafe and refrain from cuddling cats.
〈Cat's Meow Books(キャッツミャウブックス)〉
■14:00〜22:00 火休
■ Setagaya-ku Watabayashi 1-6-15
■ Close: TUE
photo:Haru Wagnus
☆vol.5〈KiMiDoRi〉at SangenjyayaClick here!