モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! お花に囲まれた癒しの空間〈青山フラワーマーケット ティーハウス 南青山本店〉へ。/Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.43

LEARN 2019.10.04


“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more TOKYO that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.

青山フラワーマーケット ティーハウス 南青山本店


This is the most popular flower shop in Aoyama, “Aoyama Flower Market”. There is a tea room full of flowers in the back of the shop.

青山フラワーマーケット ティーハウス 南青山本店


The tea room is decorated by seasonal flowers. The roses were in-season when I visited. Lucky for me!

青山フラワーマーケット ティーハウス 南青山本店


I was surrounded by roses on all sides. What is more, I found a small garden under the glass tabletop. This interior decor is inspired by a greenhouse.

青山フラワーマーケット ティーハウス 南青山本店


There are white roses in the pot next to my table. They are in full bloom. Beautiful!

青山フラワーマーケット ティーハウス 南青山本店


Glass pots with various colored roses like pink, yellow and white are lining the window.



Their signature dish is French toast garnished with seasonal flowers. The French toast is made from a baguette and decorated with fruits.



My favorite is the homemade rose jelly. It’s mildly sweet and packed with Damascus rose extract, so it is extraordinarily good for your skin.

(photo:Haru Wagnus)

〈青山フラワーマーケット ティーハウス 南青山本店〉

■月〜土11:00~20:00、日祝~19:00 無休
■5-1-2 Minami Aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo
■Open:7 days

☆前回の「青山の隠れ家カフェ〈CONNEL COFFEE〉へ。緑溢れる眺望はまるで都会のオアシス。」はコチラから。


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