Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.36 モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内!〈J-COOK〉at Gaienmae
「あれ?こんなお店あったっけ?」馴染みのエリアから少し足を伸ばせば、そこには私の知らないTOKYOがたくさん。そんなまだ見ぬTOKYOとの出会いを 求めて、お散歩へ出かけました。
“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more TOKYO that I havenʼt yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.

外苑前のカフェ〈J-COOK〉へ。キラー通りから一本小道に入った場所でひっそ りと 32年続くお店は、ヨーロッパの街並みに溶け込んでいそうな佇まい。
This is cafe J-COOK in Gaienmae. It's been open for 32 years on a tucked away road near Killer Street. The atmosphere is like you have entered a European city.

Once a garage, now sunlight pours through the glass ceiling of the shop. The space feels both comfortably cozy and open at the same time.

こちらを営む中尾ご夫妻。パリで修行をつんだシェフ(旦那さん)はドイツ大使公邸の料理人をつとめたこともある実力派。奥様の敦子ママと2人、笑顔で出迎 えてくれます。
This is the couple that runs the place. He worked as a chef in Paris and as a cook at the German embassy. Both of them always welcome customers with a smile.

My recommendation is the eel pilaf. It's a rare dish, isn't it? The taste is addictive.

常連さんから悩みを相談されることも多いという敦子ママ。いつも明るく気さ くな敦子ママは、東京のお母さん的な存在でみんなに親しまれています。
Many customers come to Mrs. Atsuko for personal advice. Her warm personality has earned her a reputation as a kind of mother to Tokyo.

そして、奥のほうはガラッと雰囲気が変わってムーディーな空間。お酒も色々あ るので、夜はこっちでしっとり過ごすのも良さそう。
Moving to the back, the mood suddenly becomes more intimate. They also have a wide range of alcohol, so it is a great place for getting to know someone special.

来店した際はトイレにもお立ち寄りを。レトロな情緒がなんとも素敵なんです。 My Best トイレ in 東京かも(笑)。
Be sure to check out their retro toilet too. It's probably my favorite toilet in Tokyo!
(photo:Haru Wagnus)
■渋谷区神宮前 3-36-26
■03- 3402-0657
■火〜土 8:00〜22:00(日 11:00〜18:00)月休
■3-36-26 Gingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo
■ http://j-cook.jp/
☆vol.35〈Hinata〉at OsakaClick here!
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