モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.7〈nukumuku〉at Sangenjyaya
“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more ‘TOKYO’ that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.

There are more than 30 different freshly baked breads made from domestic natural ingredients here. The bakery is in Sangenjyaya, the battleground of bakeries. You may not live near by, but you would surely want to make frequent visits.

おすすめは魚介の自家製カレーパン(280円)。毎朝ダシから作るシーフードカレーはそのままライスにかけて食べたい美味しさ! 揚げずにオーブンで焼くからヘルシー。
The seafood curry bread is their signature one. The curry is made from seafood broth every morning and is tasty as it is. The special thing about this bread is that it’s baked and not fried.

My favorite is the baguette glazed doughnuts. You would definitely love its nostalgic sweet taste and filling texture.

2階のカフェスペースへ上がってびっくり…。なにこれ、超かわいい〜! 60'sアメリカ雑貨で彩られたポップでカラフルな空間に大興奮。
You'll be amazed by going upstairs to the café on the second floor. Wow, how cute it is! I was excited with the colorful and pop interior decollated with American goods from the sixties.

The owner Mr. Yogi is a collector of old American goods. He sometimes even goes to L.A. seeking for lucky finds.

"nukumuku burger" is the must-have here. They are particular about home-made and natural ingredients like 100% wagyu beef. Why not have it with a bottle of craft beer with a cute yellow label?

いただきま〜す! 和牛100%だからお肉そのものを食べているようなジューシー感!! 十勝はるかを使ったフライドポテも瑞々しくて病みつきになりそう。
Bon appétit. The patty made of 100 % wagyu beef is so juicy that it tastes like eating real beef! The French Fries made from potatoes from Hokkaido are also tasty.
(photo: Haru Wagnus)
世田谷区太子堂5-29-3 1階【休】月、第1,3,5火(祝日は営業)【営】8:00〜20:00 (日〜19:00) 2階 8:30〜18:00 (金土〜20:00) ☎03-6805-5411
Setagaya-ku Taishido 5-29-3 1F Close: MON, TUE
photo:Haru Wagnus
☆vol.6〈Cat's Meow Books〉at SangenjyayaClick here!