栗の旨みがダイレクトに!“銀座ナンバーワン”モンブラン|神田愛花の「間違いない街、銀座。」第1回 【長野県・松本】民藝の街で出合う、絶品シンプル朝食に、一軒家カフェ、素朴で毎日使いたい器…。 おひとり様推奨!号泣必至の映画『エターナルメモリー』の見どころ 月明かりのようにきらめく琥珀色。 [蔵前・蕪木]のネルドリップコーヒー | 液体の悦樂 #1 【予算3000円】おしゃれな食卓が叶う基本の5枚はこれ!|“センスがいい人”になりたくて Vol.1 【外苑前】ママにファミレス以外の選択肢を。子連れでも安心なおしゃれレストラン〈ザ ベルコモ〉 たった3分! 秒で消えるアスパラ生ハム巻き|最近野菜食べてないな…と思ったらVol.1 【出雲大社】人、仕事、あらゆる”縁”を結ぶ聖地。 | 運気が上がる、私の参拝ルート #1 “10年後になくなるべきブランド”を理念に掲げる。ビニール傘で作られたクールなカバンブランド〈PLASTICITY〉 【推しマンガ】ぱーてぃーちゃん・信子さん「BLには少女漫画では描かれない純愛が詰まってます」 | TVプロデューサー小山テリハの漫画交感 #1 【学芸大学でひとり呑み】15時オープンの実力派バルとノンアル豊富なドッグフレンドリーBAR 無理するのがかっこいいと思っていた30代。キャリアをつなげるのに必死だった。美容ライター・長田杏奈さん

カフェを求めて、東京から世界まで。 美しい景色と美味しい時間。鎌倉材木座の週末限定カフェ〈nami〉の休日喫茶室へ

LEARN 2021.08.06

Known for being a model and a lover of cafes, Alice Saito introduces you to cafes from not only tokyo, but also all over japan and around the world!

鎌倉 nami


I went to a coffee room with only four seats that opens only on weekends. The location was Zaimokuza Beach in Kamakura. The address is not made public, and only those who have made reservations will be informed by email.

鎌倉 nami


Megumi and her husband, Megumi Sawano, are the hostesses. After training in Italy, Megumi organized the "Monogatari Shokudo" and moved to Kamakura with her husband this year. Then they started this store.

鎌倉 nami


There is no menu list, it is a course meal that starts all at once. The first dish was an amuse, After the Rain. In the middle of a pumpkin leaf picked from the garden is a jelly made of lychee, salt and sugar, and grapefruit. We started with a dish inspired by the drops of the rainy season.

鎌倉 nami

2品目は桃をローズマリーでコンポートした「桃のカプレーゼ 」。桃に合わせるのは、ストラッチャテッラというフレッシュチーズとオリーブオイル。口の中で全部がとろけます。

The second dish was Peach Caprese, a peach compote with rosemary. They pair their peaches with a fresh cheese called stracciatella and olive oil. The whole thing melts in your mouth.

鎌倉 nami


Megumi pouring rice into a large block of cheese. At the counter table with only four seats, it is fun to watch each dish being prepared in front of you.

鎌倉 nami


Corn and Parmigiano Risotto is ready. To go with this is a non-alcoholic cocktail made with whey, an enzymatic syrup made from soaked corn cores. Megumi's unique method draws out the potential of the ingredients.

鎌倉 nami


The main course was a parfait of Shimizu white peaches and wine. There are more than ten kinds of parts in total, including sangria jelly poured over orange peel, summer fig gelato, and banana and ginger panna cotta. They're all fresh and delicious!

鎌倉 nami


It was a hot summer day when I went to the seaside in Kamakura, alone on a bus. It is a beautiful scenery and delicious time that will stay in my memory forever.


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■Address not disclosed CLOSE: Irregular



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