カフェを求めて、東京から世界まで。 【島根】出雲のカフェ〈LoTa森田屋〉でいただく、地元の旬フルーツで作るクリームソーダ。/Alice in Cafeland

LEARN 2020.12.04

Known for being a model and a lover of cafes, Alice Saito introduces you to cafes from not only tokyo, but also all over japan and around the world!

島根 LoTa森田屋


I went to Izumo Shrine, located in Shimane Prefecture, which is known for its god of match-making. Many people come here to make wishes during New Year's holiday.

島根 LoTa森田屋


Let’s walk around the town after praying to a god. I searched in every nook and cranny in the city and want to recommend LoTa Moridaya, a cafe giving the menu using local ingredients.

島根 LoTa森田屋


The cafe is operated by two local men and just opened in July 2020. One of them runs persimmon farm as a family business and “Moridaya” is taken from the trade name of the farm.

島根 LoTa森田屋


Mr. Yoshioka said “I was wondering how I could make dry persimmons more popular in the young generation. I made a new word ‘LoTa’ from English words ‘local’ and ‘tale’ as the cafe name and make ice creams and drinks with seasonal local ingredients”.

島根 LoTa森田屋


I recommend ordering the drinks with seasonal fruits and homemade ice cream. It will be triple the fun! The drink names are “Real melon cream soda” and “Pear soda”.

島根 LoTa森田屋


I tried soda with homemade brown sugar syrup topping with local muskmelons and ice cream of dry persimmons. The milk is taken from cows grown up in Okuizumo, which is rich in nature. I felt the fresh taste not only of the soft texture of ice cream but also of fruits.

島根 LoTa森田屋


You can also buy local souvenirs in the cafe. I bought Shimane Granola and a radish grater for myself. Drop by any time you are in the town!

〈LoTa Moridaya(LoTa森田屋)〉

■11:00~17:30 火曜休
■Kizuki Higashi Yotsukado 576, Taisyacho, Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture. CLOSE: Tue


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