モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.11〈ROOTOTE GALLERY〉at Daikanyama

LEARN 2018.03.25


“Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!”
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more TOKYO that I haven’t yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries.


「楽しいお出かけ!」をコンセプトに展開するトートバッグ専門店「ROOTOTE GALLERY 代官山本店」では、自分だけのオリジナルトートバッグを作ることができます。さっそく私も挑戦!

They sell tote bags and the concept is ”Fun Outing!”. You can make original bags there. I got started right away.


トートが決まったら、300種類以上あるプリント用パーツから気になるものをピックアップ。デザインに自信がなくても大丈夫! スタッフさんが優しくアドバイスしてくれます。

After choosing a bag, pick some stickers from over 300 types. Even if you are not good at design, don't worry. The shop assistants will happily give you advice.


どのパーツをどこに置こうかな? Hanakoの頭文字Hに見える2匹のネコが、花束を渡しているイラストが気に入ったので、これをデザインの中心にしながら他のパーツを配置。

Which sticker should be where? I like the picture of two cats with a bouquet. It looks like the letter "H" for "Hanako". So, I decided to put it front and center and add others around it.



After you decide the overall design, just leave the rest to the shop staff. While doing a final check, they will make a rough sketch.



Using a special press machine, they attach the stickers to my bag. How will my bag turn out? Exciting!


あっという間に完成! 世界に一つだけのマイトートが出来ました。猫ちゃんの周りには金と銀のハート、風船を散りばめて。

Before I even knew it, my one-of-a-kind bag was done. I placed gold and silver hearts and balloons around the cats.



I stuck a big "A" for my name "Alice" on the back of the bag. I chose a script font to give it some elegance.



I used a leftover balloon sticker for the back pocket. Their bags have pockets on the side. And the idea comes from a kangaroo's pouch, which also inspired their shop name.

(photo: Haru Wagnus)

〈ROOTOTE GALLERY(ルートートギャラリー)〉

■11:00〜20:00 年末年始休

■Shibuya-ku Daikanyama-cho 18-10
■OPEN: Every Day

☆vol.10〈VOM FASS〉at DaikanyamaClick here!


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