モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.35〈Hinata〉at Osaka
I went on a trip for two nights and three days. It took about 2 and a half hours by train from Tokyo Station to get to "Osaka", the second largest metropolitan area in Japan.

May I come in?
Today, I got off at Tanimachi 6-chome Station looking for cute accessories. I visited an old house located in an alley next to the station.

The building of this store was used as a tenement house in the Meiji Era. In addition to accessories, there are a lot of goods like tableware and stationary. Maybe I’ll get some as a souvenir for myself.

自身も刺繍作家だったという店主・檀上まきさんの選ぶ小物は、どれも手作り感のあるあたたかなものばかり。愛らしい猫のブローチは、大阪在住の作家noriko factoryさんの作品。
All of these lovely hand-made items were chosen individually by the owner, Ms. Maki Danzyo, who was an embroiderer herself. For example, these cat brooches are made by Noriko Factory from Osaka.

These animal brooches made of clay are my favorite. They are made by Ms. Megumi Sakamaki from Hyogo.

How do they look? I always buy earrings as a souvenir for myself. The memories of each trip come back when I wear them.

There is also a gallery space. When I visited, they were holding an exhibition of Ms. Kazumi Taketomo's works. I have taken a fancy to her colorful art.

There is also a small cafe space near the entrance. It was a pretty hot day, so I had a cold sparkling yuzu water. Thank you for the refreshing drink.
■12:00〜19:00 (日祝〜18:00)水、木曜日、不定休あり
■6-6-10 Tanimachi Chuo-ku Osaka-shi Osaka
■CLOSE: WED, THU, Irregular
■ http://hinata-zakka.net/
☆vol.34〈Seiyo Sakan〉at OsakaClick here!
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