モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.34〈Seiyo Sakan〉at Osaka
I went on a trip for two nights and three days. It took about 2 and a half hours by train from Tokyo Station to get to "Osaka", the second largest metropolitan area in Japan.

⽇本で⼀番⻑い商店街「天神橋筋商店街」を歩いていたら、あれれ? たこ焼き、お好み焼き、居酒屋に並んで、ブリティッシュな雰囲気の漂うお店を発⾒。
I went to Tenzin Suspension Bridge Shopping Street which is the longest shopping street in Japan and found a British style shop among Takoyaki shops, Okonomiyaki shops, pubs and so on.

In the display showcase in front of the entrance, there are many cakes like a fruit cake, a chiffon cake, a raspberry tart...All of them look delicious!

ここは英国の⽥舎にある⼩さなティールームをモチーフにした喫茶店。平成元年に創業して今年で 31 年なので、偶然にもわたしと同じ年でした。
This cafe, named Seiyo Sakan, draws inspiration from countryside British tearooms. They started in 1988 and this is their 31st year. It's the same age as me.

The original owner went to Europe by himself and bought all of the furniture and dishes. The small decorations like this table lamp and teddy bear are cute as well.

There are more than 30 types of tea leaves. It's not only fruit and herb teas, but also Uva, Keemun, and so on.

You must have their afternoon tea, which starts from 2 pm. It is served on a three-tiered
stand. The bottom has scones and ginger bread, the middle is sandwiches, and the top
is a daily special cake and some sweets.(This picture is 2 portions.)

⽥舎⾵の⼤きなスコーン、だいすき! ぱっくりと2つに割ったら、クロテッドクリームとブルーベリージャムをたっぷりと♪お店で出すものは全て⼿作りというだけあって、どれもフレッシュで美味しかった〜。また来ようっと!
I love this big country-style scone. After splitting the scone in two, you can spread clotted creams and blueberry jams on it. They hand-make everything they serve, so it is all fresh and delicious. I want to come again.
■10:00〜21:00 金土祝〜22:00 休無
■4-6-14 Tenzinbashi Kita-ku Osaka-shi Osaka
■OPEN:Every Day
■ http://seiyosakan.com/
☆vol.33〈THE PAX HOSTEL〉at OsakaClick here!
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