カフェを求めて、東京から世界まで。 【京都】築120年の京町屋をリノベーション。白川のせせらぎを眺める喫茶&バー〈お茶と酒 たすき〉。/Alice in Cafeland
Known for being a model and a lover of cafes, Alice Saito introduces you to cafes from not only tokyo, but also all over japan and around the world!

I went to Gion-Shinbashi, which is famous for teahouses. Once you cross the bridge over Shirakawa River, you will reach a 120 year old townhouse building that has been renovated into a cafe and bar.

カフェは、ビンテージショップ〈PASS THE BATON〉京都店の一角に。〈表参道ヒルズ〉内にも店舗があり、私も昔からよく古着を売ったり買ったりしています。おしゃれな人たちの思い出の品が買える大好きなお店です。
The cafe is part of a vintage thrift shop named “PASS THE BATON”. They also have a location in Omotesando Hills, one of my all time favorite places to buy and sell clothes. The people who sell clothes there are always fashionable, so the selection is always great.

There are a lot of big paper lanterns! It’s like I am at Gion Festival. They also sell kimonos, kimono belts, and tableware. It feels like a sophisticated antique store.

They want to express Japanese hospitality through the tea on their menu. When I see the beautiful teapot my mood immediately goes up.

I feel like a person from Kyoto when I sip tea while looking out at the river.

かき氷は一年中楽しめる人気メニュー。たとえばイチヂク、みたらし、檸檬パイ、苺大福など、工夫を凝らしたものが月替りで登場します。写真は「焙じ茶みつ きな粉練乳付」。
Their shaved ice is a popular item on the menu all year round. Every month they change the menu to include creative flavors, for example: fig, Mitarashi Dango, lemon pie, strawberry mochi and so on. This one is Hoji tea with kinako flavored condensed milk.

This picture was taken from the bridge. It feels like a secluded Japanese inn. The Japanese maple tree’s leaves will turn red in autumn, so I want to come back then.
〈Tasuki Tea and Alcohol(お茶と酒 たすき)〉
■11:00~20:00 不定休
■77-6 Sueyoshicho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto CLOSE: Irregular
(photo:Masataka Yoshimoto)