モデル・斉藤アリスが英語と日本語で東京を案内! Alice’s TOKYO Walk vol.2〈Coci la elle〉at Kiyosumi-Shirakawa LEARN 2017.11.12

「あれ?こんなお店あったっけ?」 馴染みのエリアから少し足を伸ばせば、そこには私の知らない'TOKYO'がたくさん。そんなまだ見ぬ'TOKYO'との出会いを求めて、お散歩へ出かけました。今回の街は新しいカルチャーの発信地として注目を集める東京の下町「清澄白河」。

"Oh...I never knew there was a place like this!"
If I go a little farther from my favorite areas, there is so much more 'TOKYO' that I haven't yet found. So, I go out in search of new discoveries. This time I went to 'Kiyosumi-Shirakawa' where an old part of town attracts attention as one of the most trendsetting areas of a new culture.

Coci la elle


There are various parasols around me. Some are painted with water colors while others have designs hand sewn into them and decorated with small ornaments. Still others are patch-worked or knitted. I have arrived at a unique specialty shop for umbrellas.

Coci la elle

日傘作家・ひがしちかさんは「晴れの日も雨の日も お出かけの佳きお供に」をキャッチコピーに2015年、このアトリエ兼ショップを開きました。日傘はどれもひがしさんが手作りした一点ものばかりです。

Ms. Higashi Chika opened her studio/shop in 2015 with the concept of "Always with you, rain or shine". Everything is handmade by Ms. Higashi herself and nothing is ever made twice.

Coci la elle

わぁ! かわいい! 石突部分に紫陽花の咲いた日傘をみつけました。これを持って紫陽花畑をお散歩したら、じめじめとした梅雨のお出かけも楽しくなりそう。

Wow! It's adorable! I found a parasol with a hydrangea on the top. Even during rainy season, I can enjoy going out if I carry this with me.

Coci la elle


This is my favorite find. Pink and blue feathers sway gently as I hold the curved handle. It looks like something out of a fairytale.

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When I open the umbrella, light shines romantically through the space between the feathers. The drastic change in appearance an umbrella goes through from closed to opened is one of their more charming points.

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The colors of this scarf have a gentle touch. They also have other silk scarves and iPhone cases decorated with her own water color paintings and photo collages.

Coci la elle


You know that you have found the shop when you spot the vinyl awning above the entrance. Some items are available on their web store. Drop by to experience the once in a lifetime opportunity these unique items bring.

(photo: Haru Wagnus)

〈Coci la elle本店(コシラエル)〉
■江東区三好2-3-2 1F
■休月 ※2017年12月より無休(年末年始を除く)

■Koto-ku Miyoshi 2-3-2 1F
■Open: Seven days


photo:Haru Wagnus

☆Vol.1 〈onnellinen〉at Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Click here!


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